Climate Change: Threat to Biodiversity

A Global issue in the current situation, due to several activities of Human or by the Natural disaster.  Alongside factor of pollution (air, water, soil etc) and overexploitation to land-use change and habitat loss. Moreover, in many places, these are still greater immediate dangers world’s wildlife than climate change. According to a new set of reports from the leading global organization on ecosystems and biodiversity Climate change will be the fastest-growing cause of species loss.
As per the new series of reports emphasize that action on global warming is also active in favor of wild plants and animals.
Land degradation, biodiversity loss, and climate change are three different phase of the same central challenge:
"We cannot afford to tackle any one of these three threats in isolation—they each deserve the highest policy priority and must be addressed together.”- Chairman Robert Watson
Either by human activities or by natural disasters—may be adversely affecting more than half a 7.3 billion people (approx)  around the globe, resulting in losses in the health of biodiversity and ecosystem
Deforestation, the destruction of wetlands and other forms of land conversion and the industries, chemical waste, automobiles release massive amounts of carbon and other harmful gases into the atmosphere causing global warming. Climate change can continue the cycle by thawing out frozen ecosystems, creating harsher conditions for vegetation to survive, and increasing the severity of storms and other natural disasters, which can also damage natural landscapes.

There are many factors which cause climate changes. We should step forward and plan every move so that we can slow down the process.


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